Summertime and the livin’ is easy; with relaxed routines and days filled with fun outdoor activities, vacations, and extra time with friends and family. As the end of summer approaches and families return to more work and school commitments, it’s time to return to healthy routines.

Along with planning carpools and scheduling meetings and after school activities, think about how you’ll build in time for your health. How can you keep the fresh fruit and veggies you enjoyed over the summer part of fall and winter menus? Can you walk while your children or grandchildren participate in sports or band practice? Take this opportunity to plan ahead and set your personal goals to establish some healthy habits before the fall season rolls around.

Creating healthy habits and adding them into your day-to-day life can make a huge positive impact on your health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (CDC), 88 million US adults—more than 1 in 3—have prediabetes, a condition where a person’s blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough yet for a type 2 diabetes diagnosis. Prediabetes puts you at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. If you have prediabetes, you can reduce your risk for developing type 2 diabetes by adopting healthy habits into your daily routine, such as eating meals with more fruits and vegetables, getting regular physical activity, and sleeping enough each night.

The Change Your Lifestyle. Change Your Life. Program

Change Your Lifestyle. Change Your Life. (CYL2), part of the CDC-led National Diabetes Prevention Program lifestyle change program, can help you learn more about how to stick to these healthy habits and reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In the program, participants work with a trained Lifestyle Coach and other participants to encourage each other along the way.

Making small adjustments in your daily routine can lead to a healthier lifestyle. Here are some helpful tips to get you started as fall approaches and schedules get busier:

  1. Prepare healthy meals ahead for packed lunches and family dinners. Planning healthy meals ahead of time can save valuable time during the week and help you maintain a well-balanced diet.
  2. Keep moving and having fun. Just because summer is coming to an end doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy some time outside. Spend some time gardening or going on a walk with your family or friends.
  3. Make sure you get enough sleep. One in three US adults isn’t getting enough sleep, and over time this can increase the risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, weight gain, and depression. Set a bedtime routine by shutting off your phone and laptop for the day and going to sleep at the same time every night.
  4. Take the 1-minute prediabetes risk test. Once summer comes to an end, it can be difficult to find time for yourself in a busy schedule. But learning about your risk for prediabetes can help you make healthier decisions so you can enjoy more time doing what’s important to you. If you (or someone you love) find out you have prediabetes, learn more about a program like [name of program], [part of the CDC’s National Diabetes Prevention Program OR a CDC-recognized lifestyle change program]. At [name of program], participants can learn ways to lower their chances for getting type 2 diabetes, improve their overall health, and create healthy habits that last a lifetime.

Take some time before the summer ends to understand your risk for type 2 diabetes and learn how you can prevent or delay it by taking steps to change your lifestyle. Creating healthy habits in your life can ensure you live healthier all year long.

Learn more about CYL2 at